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Asterix y Halloween

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Autor Mensaje
Hijo de m-angel
Agente veterano

Registrado: 15 Abr 2020
Mensajes: 412
Ubicación: El país maldito, en mi laboratorio

MensajePublicado: 29/10/2021 02:43    Asunto: Asterix y Halloween Responder citando

Hola, he escrito una historia de Asterix para mi clase de inglés.

Espero que os guste.


I watched as the sun set on halloween with my courageous friends Asterix and Obelix.
“What are you going to dress as this halloween?” Obelix asked.
“I will dress up as a ghost,” I said.
“I will be a druid”, Asterix said.
“I will be a menhir”, Obelix said.
A few hours later I watched as a druid and a menhir walked towards me. “Ready to go trick-or-treating?”, Obelix said excitedly.
“We sure are!”, Asterix and I said.
We first went to the house of the chief, Vitalstatistix.
“Trick-or-treat”, we said.
Vitalstatistix gave us some boar legs in small packages and we went to the forest to go to the druid Panoramix.
Everyone except Obelix drank some magic potion, Obelix did not need to drink, because the potion’s effects are permanent with him.
“It’s not fair”, Obelix mumbled.
We were walking through the forest when we heard a loud “BOOOO” behind us, we instantly turned around and saw 7 ghosts and 3 people with jack-o-lantern heads. They introduced themselves as the Halloweeners, and then I asked, “Why are you following us?”
“We are here to increase our army”, a ghost said.
“What army?”, Obelix asked.
“Our group, and we will turn all of you into what you are dressed to spell terror in the world!” responded a jack-o-lantern.
“Will you please abandon your mission?”, Asterix asked.
“Never”, another ghost said.
At that moment, Asterix punched the jack-o-lantern into the sky. Everyone else then attempted to attack Asterix, but Obelix and I stopped them, by punching the jack-o-lanterns into the sky and blowing away the ghosts.
“What, it’s over?”, Obelix said sadly.
“Be more serious about this, Obelix”, Asterix said.
“We must warn Panoramix!”, I said.
We walked to Panoramix’s house and told him what happened.
“This is serious, the Halloweeners won’t stop until their plan works, I must make an antidote in case one of you turns into what you are dressed for halloween”, Panoramix said. We walked toward the village and then I took off my ghost costume, then I went to bed.
“Cocorico!”, cried the rooster.
It was the beginning of a new day, I tried to get off my bed, but when I looked down I was almost transparent, I had turned into a ghost! I went out the window to look for Panoramix, when I saw him I yelled, “PANORAMIX!”
“What is it?”, Panoramix asked as he went down the tree. When he saw me, he was horrified.
“What happened to you?!” he asked with horror.
“I get it now, the Halloweeners turned me into a ghost!”, I said.
“What will we do to stop them?” he asked worriedly.
“I know what to do”, I said, then I whispered my plan to Panoramix.
We went to the chief of the village, Vitalstatistix. After we told him what had happened he thundered:
“What? Who do they think they are?!”
Vitalstatistix went to the edge of the village, yelled for attention immediately, and all of the villagers rushed out of their houses to gather around the Gaulish chief. Everyone was surprised when they saw me, they all asked what had happened to me.
“Silence!”, ordered the chief.
Everyone quieted down after the order was said.
“We have a crisis here, the Halloweeners want to turn us into halloween creatures to spread terror in the world, we need the magic potion to defeat the Halloweeners, and remember, the only thing we have to fear is the sky falling on our heads.”
The villagers did not realize a ghost was spying on them. “Jumping butterballs, I have to tell the chief!”the ghost said, and he flew to the base of the Halloweeners.
Meanwhile the villagers were going about minding their business except for me, Asterix, Obelix, and Panoramix, who were going to Panoramix’s house to prepare the antidote to turn me back into a human. We used mistletoe, some wildflowers, and some meat. We were preparing the potion when we heard a watchman yell in alarm.
“The Halloweeners are here!”
Obelix stayed with Panoramix, and the villagers drank the magic potion and gathered around the entrance of the village with Vitalstatistix, Asterix, and me in the front. We saw hundreds of ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, zombies, vampires, werewolves, and pirates. There was a jack-o-lantern on top of a shield with a pumpkin crown.
“You have challenged the Great Chief of Halloween!, the jack-o-lantern on the shield said.
Then the jack-o-lantern pointed a finger towards me and said:
“Those men attacked our scouts, turn those men in immediately!”
“Never, these men are one of the bravest people in the world and it would be a tragedy to lose these men, and we are against your mission of conquering the world”, replied Vitalstatistix solemnly.
“Ataaaaack!”, yelled the Halloween chief.
Everyone battled hard, but the villagers battled even harder, they blew away all of the ghosts, and punched everyone else into the sky.
“Retreat!”, yelled the Halloween chief.
Everyone that wasn’t punched into the sky ran into the forest, while the villagers celebrated their victory. After everyone went to their business, Panoramix told me that the antidote was ready, so I went to his house and he said:
“Put a towel into this bowl”
I did this and let it soak for a while before I took it out then he said:
“Throw it at your face.
I did what I was told, and then I looked at myself, I was a human again.
The villagers held a great feast that night with roast boars, and barley beer.
¡Zipi y Zape siempre vencen!
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Mac Latha
Agente condecorado

Registrado: 23 Sep 2014
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Ubicación: Aquí, allí y en todas partes.

MensajePublicado: 29/10/2021 22:49    Asunto: Responder citando

I've just finished reading it... and WOW!

My only criticism could have been Goscinny (best Astérix writer EVER) would have never written such a story, BUT that's one of the reasons I loved it, because its YOUR story and it's a new and personal approach.
Yes, the main characters are basically the same (that is a must), but ¿ghosts in an Astérix story? ¿zombies, vampires and werewolves -oh my!-? That's new and surprising.

What's more, it's so well written it grows line by line and you can't stop reading until you finish it and... ¡YES! ¡The irreductible gauls win!
Predictable? Of course! It's the only possible ending for an Astérix adventure. That and the feast! (and a bard tied up on a tree).

You got me waitng for more of your writings.
No apruebo las escuelas -dijo Yaya-. Se interponen en el camino de la educación.
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Agente especial

Registrado: 02 Nov 2016
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MensajePublicado: 30/10/2021 12:27    Asunto: Responder citando

For a moment I thought the bard was going to scare the hell out of the Halloweneers, until I realized they were not vikings. Afterwards, I thought that the villagers couldn´t be that scared of them because, you know, they live with Asuranceturix, so....what could be worse than that? Maybe scarcity of boars, but that´s another kind of fear.

Good story, though.
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Registrado: 17 Jul 2008
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MensajePublicado: 30/10/2021 13:06    Asunto: Responder citando

All's well that ends well. Molaría ver esta historia en cómic, en una historieta corta de 8 páginas. Igual puedes poner la traducción debajo, en castellano, al este un foro de hispanoparlantes, por si alguno no la sigue Wink ¡Gracias por compartirla!

'Menos guasa "J-46" que ya sabemos que eres de Valladolid' (Los Invasores)
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Señor Ogro

Registrado: 02 Ene 2005
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MensajePublicado: 30/10/2021 15:28    Asunto: Responder citando

¡Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros esta divertida historia y enhorabuena por tu talento! Very Happy
¿Otra vez esos galopines en mi jardín? ¡Por cien mil vacas marinas! ¡Os voy a hacer trocitos a la cazuela!
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Hijo de m-angel
Agente veterano

Registrado: 15 Abr 2020
Mensajes: 412
Ubicación: El país maldito, en mi laboratorio

MensajePublicado: 05/11/2021 00:54    Asunto: Responder citando

!Muchas gracias a todos!

Intentaré traducirlo al español pronto, como ha dicho Ase.

Me gusta mucho el dibujo de Astérix con los murciélagos.
¡Zipi y Zape siempre vencen!
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